Did you know that there are differences of food? Even if this is about the scientific definition, the article does not claim to provide you with useless knowledge. Rather, the distinction should help you reflect on your current diet and perhaps achieve your goals more easily and quickly.
The teaching on the differences of food goes back to the German bacteriologist and hygienist Prof. Werner Kollath, who lived from 1892 to 1970 and is considered a pioneer of wholefood nutrition.
According to Kollath, only foods that were as untreated as possible contained enough essential ingredients in order not to suffer from malnutrition that lead to chronic diseases. Kollath divided the food into two groups each with three “value groups”.
(essential) food that is either
- unchanged
- mechanically changed
- enzymatically modified (fermented)
(processed) food that is either
- heated
- preserved
- dissected

Essential Food
Fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, cereals, oil fruits, pulses, honey, raw eggs, raw milk, fermented juices, fermented vegetables (sauerkraut), spices, spring water

Processed Food
Bread, pastries, sugar, processed oils, jams, cooked fruits and vegetables, canned goods, finished products, sweets
Kollath rates plant-based food higher than animal food, and raw food higher than processed food.
Even if you do not study the teaching in depth, it quickly becomes clear what everyone certainly knows – stay away from ready-made products and prefer to eat fresh fruit and vegetables – and animal products in moderation.
If you need help with changing your diet, I’ll be happy to help.